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Danny's Rebuttal

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Danny's Rebuttal Empty Danny's Rebuttal

Post  Danny Draiman Tue 1 Oct 2013 - 2:33

The camera fades in on the crowd cheering as "Watch You Crawl" by RED plays over the speakers and the crowd immediately goes wild with chants of "Danny! Danny!"  It is awhile before Danny Draiman comes out of back with a stern look on his face and determination in his step as he heads to the ring with the Legacy title draped over his right shoulder.  He stops in front of the ring and looks around as the cheering continues before jumping on to the apron and stepping through the ropes.

Michael Billings:  Well I guess we shouldn't be surprised that Danny Draiman has come out here.  After what was said earlier by Jayx the Drake I'd be surprised if he did nothing.

Andrew Becksford: Well with what Jayx did to Mark last week and his claims to do the same to Draiman tonight I'm not sure if it is a good idea for Danny to antagonize the Drake further.  He may be a tough wrestler but it seems like Jayx is more determined.

Looking about again Danny eventually moves to one of the ring sides to take a mic before going back to the center of the ring.  His expression has not changed in the least.

Danny Draiman: It seems I've been blatantly called out now by Jayx the Drake.  I called him a glory hound last week and after tonight I stick by that statement.  I've been called many things over the years but scared has never been one of them.  Do you know why I don't walk through the aisles shaking every hand and handing out promotional merchandise, it is because I don't need to.  I gain the attention and love of the fans through my actions and what I have done to get where I am.  They have seen the constant battles I've been in to get where I am.  They have seen the injuries I have taken and the many times I've been stabbed in the back.  I genuinely respect all the competitors in the back and I appreciate the support I get from all these fans....

Draiman spins slowly with his arms wide as cheers from the crowd escalate to painful levels.  After a good minute or so he stops and brings the mic back to his lips.  His facial expression has still not shifted in the least.

Danny Draiman: Maybe you should consider that before you make any more claims about what I'm afraid of.  Just as you said you respected me for my accomplishments and determination I have had the same for you, yet I didn't let it consume me as it has you.  Perhaps you had too much time in the cage, locked away with your title belt, a dragon and his gold.  Problem is that you aren't a dragon...nor are you a hound, I should admit...your a drake.  You are the runt of dragons, the ones most people don't even notice till they show up carrying on like their mere presence should gain them something whether it is fear or awe or praise.  You are a Drake...that just makes you easier to take down then any dragon that one might come across in this business.

The camera shifts to the commentary table briefly as the crowd elicits varied reactions to Draiman's comments.

Andrew Becksford:  Ouch, some very harsh words from the champ.  Not exactly what was expected from Draiman.

John Dempsey: Hey, what do you expect?  You try and tear down someone and they will return the favor in kind.  So far I'm not that impressed though with what he has to say.

Michael Billings: Well he certainly has the crowd on his side and he has a point that you don't need to mingle with the crowd to have fans.  That much has been proven in the past by others.

Andrew Becksford: It still doesn't hurt though.  Even our wayward Yoko liked to put on a show for the fans...when she was in her right mind and even some of our silent wrestlers have mouthpieces to speak on their behalf.

The camera shifts back to Danny as the crowd dies down again and he can speak once more.

Danny Draiman: Since I've been here at MWP I've learned a lot and experienced a lot.  I've grown immeasurably since I left the independent circuit.  This was in no small part to those I've met along the way such as my former tag partner Diryn and his trainer Cowley as well as Ryan Conway....and even you Jayx.  Now, I don't know how many of you know what I was like before I came here.

Michael Billings: I certainly do...

Danny Draiman: I was a fighter not a wrestler.  I had the technical skills to mix with a stand of fighting style.  My problem was that when I got in the ring I didn't know how to hold back.  I injured many of my opponents because of that, but I was not concerned.  I can respect you and even be friendly with you, the moment you get in that ring with me though you better be prepared to deal with an onslaught.  I didn't take prisoners and I didn't stop till I had my opponents pinned, unconscious, or screaming their submission.  So don't worry, Jayx, I've broken my fair share of ankles too.  In fact, considering all you've said and how you want me to truly put on a show to entertain these fans I'm going to give you just that.

Andrew Becksford:  Uh, Michael, what does he mean by that.

Michael Billing: I'm not sure, but for some reason I don't think I want to know either.

The audience is cheering again this time chanting "En-ter-tain Us!" followed by a pattern of claps before repeating itself.  Draiman looks around and for a moment there is a crack of a smile before he continues.

Danny Draiman: I'm going to give you a glimpse of what I was like before MWP.  I'll let you see what kind of person your headed towards being and when you are nothing but a twisted form on the mat, I want you to realize that what I do is to entertain the fans and to put on a hell of a match without leaving a trail of bodies strewn across the ring.  No big words or long speeches necessary.  Just the skill and determination between competitors.  So tonight, as I said I'm going to entertain these people with the same display of ferocity that you have to done to others.  At the end of the match I can guarantee that I'll walk out not only the victor but without a boo in the house, where as you will just be a broken drake in the ring with his wings clipped for all these people and the fans at home to see your humiliation.

The fans seem to celebrate loudly in response to being mentioned, though the tone of the cheers seems to be more a call for blood then support for Draiman himself.

John Dempsey: Wow, I can honestly say I never expected this kind of reaction to Jayx's words.  I'm almost unsure who would win this match.  Jayx certainly has the determination right now and has shown skill at injuring his opponents, but after what Danny has said I'm wondering if Jayx has a chance or if Draiman is just blowing smoke.

Michael Billings: .....

Andrew Becksford: Michael?

Danny Draiman: I hope this satisfies you Jayx, because come later tonight when we are both in that ring there will not be two men fighting but to beast waring for dominance, looking to break the other.

With that Danny for only the second time in MWP simple drops the mic and starts heading out of the ring as "Watch You Crawl" blares across the speakers again following him as he heads up the ramp and back to the back as the camera shifts back to the commentary table.

John Dempsey: Well Danny Draiman came out to respond to Jayx and he certainly did just that.  I don't think he can back up what he says though.  Jayx is tough and I doubt Danny can match up.  I mean just look at their accomplishments.  Draiman has had more failures in his career here then Jayx.

Andrew Becksford: Then why don't you sound all that convinced, John?  I know the viciousness of the Jayx was revealed two seasons back with the first cage match here on MWP.  It certainly awoke the sleeping Drake within him.  I'm wondering that with Draiman's response what kind of beast Jayx may have just stirred up.

The camera fades to black as the three commentators are just at a loss for words.
Danny Draiman
Danny Draiman

Posts : 223
Join date : 2013-04-28
Age : 41
Location : Phoenix, AZ

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