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The Wrestling Guys Analyze Season Seven Week One

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The Wrestling Guys Analyze Season Seven Week One Empty The Wrestling Guys Analyze Season Seven Week One

Post  eldrocks Thu 23 Jan 2014 - 18:39

Scarlett McDermott:  Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Guys.  I'm Scarlett McDermott with my usual partner in crime.  Lance Miles.

Lance nods.

SM:  Last week was the beginning of a new season and with it there were many surprises both of the good and bad variety.

LM:  For the MWP fans maybe but for us there was quite a few moments that bring us back to the old days of ORW.

SM:  Lance, those old days were only a month ago.

LM:  Yeah....good times.

SM:  Well moving on to recent events, MWP began its season premiere with Auron coming out to the and like the honorable man he is, was ready to grant the wishes of the IWA elite.

LM:  Honorable.  Red, the man isn't honorable simply because he's following through on his bet.  It's expected, if anything, he would be reviled as a welcher if he didn't HONOR his agreement.

SM:  Honorable or not, Auron brought out the Renegades to hear their wishes starting with Earl Lockyer who wanted Auron to rehire Roussimoff so he could have his poker buddy back.

LM: Ooooh Kaaay.

SM:  Bryan Ford wanted him and his partner Nic to have a tag-team title shot.  Auron had no trouble with that one either.

LM:  Fair enough.

SM:  Titus Alexius Muttley....

LM: :: Giggles :: Muttley.

SM: :: Rolls her eyes :: ...wanted to face Gerry Cawley's protégé Diryn for a Primetime Title Shot.

LM:  Good deal.

SM:  Nic Nitro decided he would hold on to his wish at a later time. Auron felt it was acceptable that there really wasn't a time limit for the wishes.

LM:  Smart move.  Time to think about what he really wants and to bide his time for the right opportunity to pull the trigger.

SM:  Eric Jones said his wish was a two part wish along with Enigmatic Savior's wish.  Part one was for Auron to step down as GM.

LM:  Hmmm...and the second part?

SM:  Savior finished it off by wishing that Nathan Frost become the new GM.

LM:  Really?

SM:  Don't sound so surprised Lance.  There had to be a reason for Kobolds betrayal and Nathan somehow manages to convince the Renegades that he would the perfect replacement as GM.

LM:  Now, now, Red, you know this isn't how it ends continue please.

SM:  Nathan after feigning surprise at the wishes made felt that he was under no obligation to grant any of the wishes they asked for, much to the Renegades dismay.  Nathan, however, said that he would honor them but with a twist that the matches that Lockyer, Muttley...

LM:  :: Starts humming the Stop That Pigeon song ::

SM:  Lance!

LM:  Sorry.  It is a catchy song.

SM:  ....and Jones matches would be Loser Leaves Rules.  The tag and Brutal Masters titles would have something special that Nathan would reveal later on in the show.

LM:  Wow.  I didn't know that Auron could be so devious.

SM: Auron?

LM:  Yeah.  Auron goes out to HONOR the Renegades wishes because he knew that the Renegades would ask him to step down in favor of good old Nathan.  Nathan picks up the mantle and changes things around to MWP's advantage by putting the Renegades in a loser leaves match.  It's so good that I can hardly believe that Auron would be capable of such a scheme.

SM:  Lance, I'm pretty sure that Auron knew nothing about this and that Nathan did this for his own self interest.  The loser leaves stipulation is so that Nathan eliminate any threats to those plans.

LM:  Maybe you're right Red.  Auron isn't really that smart but again you're looking at Nathan as the bad guy here.  If your theory is true then Nathan played the Renegades in essence saving MWP from Auron's bad judgement.

SM:  We'll get back to Auron and Nathan shortly but after the fireworks died down in the first segment,  Adam Lethal came out to a chorus of boos.  He basically said they were all jealous of him and added that there would be a day of liberation coming but not from Auron but from the best of the best.  He began to sing his praises and criticize the fans by exploiting his alleged beauty, skill, and riches.

LM:  So Adam doesn't make you melt like the Paul Andrews did?

SM:  Not even a little bit.

LM:  Well I'm relieved if just a little surprised.  I'd have pegged him as you type.

SM:  What do you mean by that Lance?

LM:  Well I'm just glad that I don't have to hear you drool over someone, it's very unbecoming of someone as classy as you Red, but with Adam's looks, skill, and bank account.  I really thought he would be on your radar.  Class begetting class and all.

SM:  Well I appreciate the fact you think I'm classy and that I attract classy guys, but Adam certainly wouldn't be on my radar.  In fact, I'm pretty certain that the Hubble Telescope would not be able to detect Adam for me.

LM:  Good to know Red.  Move on.

SM:  Gladly.  Adam Lethal turned out to be Earl Lockyer's opponent and when the dust settled,  Adam defeated the Hurricane.

LM:  Scratch one Renegade.  A good start for Nathan's Clean Sweep, and for Adam Lethal who managed to back up everything he said in his promo.

SM: Next we saw Lianon who gave the fans a glimpse of what he's capable of.  Though he said he wasn't the biggest, strongest, or fastest, he knows how to maximize what he does have and that he will be putting them to the test here in MWP.

LM:  Hmmm...I'm on the fence with this guy.  He sounds like a dude that will be using his skill as an excuse if he loses but at the same time there was a basketball player who was told he was too slow, couldn't jump, couldn't play the game.  His name was Larry Bird and he is one of the top fifty players of all time.

SM: He was a good player and I believe we will learn more when he gets into the ring.  Andrew and Michael recapped what took place earlier in the day during an autograph signing.  We saw Dixon Flys Jr. happily signing autographs with his fans when a limo pulled up and out came Ed Dryden and Randy Swofford.  As the two made their way to the entrance, they basically made a mockery of the fans and then to Dixon where they pretended that he was a fan looking for Randy's photograph.

LM:  :: Laughs :: I gotta tell you.  That was pretty damn funny.  I didn't think they were capable of such hilarity.

SM:  I thought it was rude and obnoxious and what made matters worse was that Randy still had the ORW Extreme Annihilation Championship.

LM:  What?  He can't be proud of his accomplishments?  It's not like ORW is gonna be calling for their title.  I mean the stupid pyramid practically buried everything ORW had.  Good thing Ed and Randy were smart enough to leave before the stupid roof fell on them.

SM:  Okay, I can live with him holding on to something that he did work exceptionally hard for, but to treat Dixon and the MWP fans with contempt.  That wasn't cool at all.

LM:  Well Randy doesn't really appeal to kids and I don't think he cares about the young girls swooning over him.  Last I heard, he's still dating Ed's personal assistant, Porsche Morrow, and I've seen pictures of this chick and no one in San Francisco is as that as her.  As for Dixon, if the guys can't take a joke then it's his problem.  I think he should be awed by the fact that the biggest name in ORW was kind enough to acknowledge his existence.  It was a good thing that Ed and Randy didn't hear or ignore Dixon's snappy retort after the fact.  Ed 'Butthead' Dryden, Randy 'Big Clown' Swofford.  Wow I hope the guys brain didn't explode thinking those names up.

SM:  :: Shakes her head :: After new comer Big Bubba won his debut match against Gravedigger, Auron had finally caught up with Nathan in his newly acquired office.  Nathan basically said the very thing that you did.

LM:  Because it makes perfect sense Red.  Auron talked about Nathan exploiting and risking the MWP superstars careers but it was Auron that really did this.  Nathan is right to clean up the IWA mess and if you listened carefully, he did say that he would be happy to work with Auron.

SM:  Nathan knows that Auron would never do that.

LM:  Yeah talk about egos.  Auron isn't even willing to entertain the notion that maybe Nathan could be a better fit for MWP.  I feel bad for Nathan who was looking to utilize all of his strengths including Auron's extensive experience.

SM:  Auron was betrayed Lance.

LM:  We'll see Red.

SM:  Next up Rehaustykus...

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  ...explained that while he understood that there were those who believed it was his fault that MWP fell to the IWA, he did not apologize for his decision to go after the gold and criticized Auron for not having the depth of roster to replace him after getting injured in the triple threat title match at Cold Encounter.

LM:  Exactly.  I told you that Auron would be looking for a patsy and Reuses...Rehockey...this guy would be at the top of the list.

SM:  Lance, Rehaustykus....

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  ...decided to follow his own agenda and not focus on the promotion's pride.

LM:  Listen to yourself Red.  General Managers whether it's Wilton, Auron, or even Nathan ultimately have to look at the bottom line and determine who is making or costing them money.  Fighting for pride may get you some brownie points it still means nothing if you've not worn a title at least once in your career.  Rehash...Rehab....this guy obviously understands this and made the right choice because putting 'Saved MWP from the IWA'  isn't going to impress a GM from another promotion when he's out on the street.

SM:  I have to admit, you do make a solid point there, but would it have killed him to be a team player this once?

LM: Remember Red,  Restore....Reheist....this guy was banned from competing for the Primetime Championship so he may have believed he ever sniff another title again so maybe it would've.

SM:  Nathan came out and explained that he would not punish a man with ambition and lifted that very ban allowing him to compete for the Primetime title, but the risk that the loser leaves stipulation was in effect for his match against Eric Jones.

LM:  What a great GM.  This guys ban is lifted as long as he can beat Eric Jones this week.  Now that's incentive.  If Auron had thought of that, maybe this guy would've been motivated to beat IWA and get what he wanted as well.

SM:  Maybe Auron did not want to risk Rehaustykus...

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  Career in that way.

LM:  So you're saying that Auron really had no faith in this guy, or he hated him so much that he didn't want to give him such incentive.

SM:  Well that match was scheduled for later as the next match was Diryn taking on Muttley...

LM:  :: Giggles :: Muttley.

SM:  ...for the Primetime Title.  Diryn was able to defeat Muttley thus ending another IWA wrestlers tenure here.

LM:  Drat...Drat...and Double Drat.

SM:  It'll be okay Lance.  I'm sure that something else will come up to raise your hopes again.

LM:  :: Smiles at the monitor :: You bet it will Red.

SM:  Next we saw newcomer Cael Wheeler and....

LM:  S...D...COLEMAN!!!!

SM:  They came out to thank the fans for the warm welcome and Coleman explained that he was going to bring a world of pain to his opponents.  That world started with Jayx the Drake later that night.

LM:  Out of curiosity Red; who won that match?

SM:  You'll find out later Lance, because next was another ORW alumni joining the ranks of MWP.  Hieu.

LM:  I have to tell you Red, I was not all that happy seeing Hieu until he spoke to the fans.

SM:  Though I don't share your enthusiasm Lance, Hieu did seem like a changed man as he explained that he was now a man alone and that he needed to discover his path.

LM:  I'd say he's about halfway to the dark side of the force Red.  He's beginning to understand that he can only count on himself and that the fans are more of a liability than an asset.  He also is understanding that there are no heroes in this world and that he was only deluding himself that he was one.

SM:  I believed he was a hero.  He never wavered in his belief in fair play and honor.  If those qualities are gone then I will be very disappointed.

LM:  Don't worry Red.  I'll still be around for you to look up to.

SM:  :: Smirking :: I feel SO comforted by that fact.  Hieu's first match was against Doctor Pepper and Hieu picked up a rather easy win.

LM:  See?  Hieu is still Hieu in the ring.  He's just been brought to reality.

SM:  If you say so.  The string of ORW superstars continued with Jeremy Danielson who was looking forward to giving the fans a show and to lead by example to the young fans.

LM:  Hmmm.  For the MWP fans this guy may seem amazing but we've seen Jeremy in ORW and something about him.

SM:  Well to be honest we really didn't get a good handle on what Jeremy was about.

LM:  Yeah.  The dude is a complete mystery and now he's even more perplexing to me, but maybe that's this guys appeal.  The mystery.

SM:  Well, I'm sure we will gain more insight into Jeremy over the next few weeks.  Next we saw Ed Dryden and Randy Swofford.  This time they were in the ring.  Before they could explain what their agenda was, Dixon Jr. came out to tell them how he felt about them which was not complementary at all.  Before anything else could happen Dixon was interrupted by the police which didn't necessarily arrest him but he was escorted out of the arena for reason we know nothing of.

LM:  I'm sure it wasn't anything good Red.  He probably overcharged those poor kids for his autographs or pocketed some of the fans paraphernalia to resell on EBAY.

SM:  Lance.

LM:  We don't know this guy so how do we know he's not a felon.

SM:  I'm pretty sure he'd have been in handcuffs if he were.

LM:  He should've been taken away for interrupting Ed and Randy's air time.

SM:  Heh.  It certainly didn't stop Ed who insulted Dixon one more time and explained that the fans no longer had to worry as Randy was going to bring stability to the promotion.

LM:  I don't have any reason to doubt it.  Of all of the people who join the promotion and boast of their greatness, Randy is the only one who has proof of his greatness.

SM:  Rehaustykus....

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  ...succeeded in beating Eric Jones sending Eric packing and opening the door to the Primetime Championship.

LM:  Three to nothing Red.  Nathan so far has single-handedly eliminated the threat of a rival promotions dominance in MWP and all it took was the right motivation.

SM:  Lance the only motivation he gave was to Rehaustykus.

LM:  Bless you.

SM: ....and you yourself said that it was a self serving motivation.

LM:  Perhaps but because Nathan understands his people and the people they were fighting better than Auron, he was better able to orchestrate IWA's demise more effectively.

SM: Ugh.  We move on to Jayx the Drake who tried to explain his past actions and beg for forgivness.  When the fans didn't seem receptive to his pleas.  He broke out the guitar and sang a song  about his grief and pain.  After one more act of absolution, the crowd gave in and offered their support.

LM:  That had to be the most embarrassing thing I have ever witnessed.

SM:  Lance the man bared his soul and the crowd understood that.

LM:  They were right when they shouted glory hound.  What a drama queen.  What would he have resorted to next.  Fireworks?  Topless Cheerleaders?  Autograph sessions with Dixon Flys at the pokey?

SM:  You can be really insensitive when people express themselves freely.

LM:  Because I think it's a joke.  The man was seeking approval and willing to do anything to get that approval.  Terrible.

SM:  The Union Tag-Team Championship was on the line and Nathan explained that the individual pinned in the match would be immediately fired where the survivor of the losing team would remain in MWP for the time being.  Ford and Nitro's opponents were....Tidus and Rikku.

LM:  You're kidding.

SM:  You know I'm not.

LM:  Actually I had to go to the bathroom and missed that match.  Now I'm glad that my Chicken Baja Gordita went through me or I would've lost my dinner seeing that felon in MWP.

SM:  Rikku is not a felon.  She's mischievous for sure but not a felon.

LM:  That sugary sweet expression on her face conceals a monster no one can conceive of.  Like that X-Files episode where the one guy saw that giant locust that sucked the soul of unsuspecting employees and only Mulder could see what he saw.  That's Rikku and I'm Mulder.

SM:  You know Mulder was hospitalized for those feelings.  Maybe we should do that with you.

LM:  Mark my words Scarlett.  Rikku will give herself away some day and then you will have to give me one hell of an apology.

SM: keep waiting for that.  Tidus and Rikku became the new Union Tag-team Champions and Ford is sent packing.

LM:  The only bright spot to the whole thing.  Tidus and Rikku winning for Nathan.

SM:  I don't think that's true.  They did it to become champions.

LM:  Wow.  That's pretty selfish of them.  Thinking of their own ambition over the team concept.

SM:  Cute Lance.  Good thing Nathan rewards ambition.

LM:  Touche, but did you hear how Auron already was poisoning his former protégé's mind by thinking Nathan would be pissed that Tidus and Rikku were champs?

SM:  I think that's a pretty real fear Lance.

LM:  Why?  Nathan managed to get rid of another IWA member and again you assume that Nathan is a vindictive, manipulative, jerk when he has done nothing to warrant it.  With that said,  I think Nathan should be concerned with Rikku and her MISCHIEVOUS ways as you put it but other than that.  He should be happy with the result.

SM: Well time will tell I suppose.  Next we saw Gato Savalje who practically disrespected everyone and everything about MWP.  Nobody was immune to his ire.

LM:  Okay so the guys angry.  Who isn't nowadays.  If the guy can produce wins then I'm all for his bitterness.

SM:  Jayx the Drake and SD Coleman met in the ring.  Go ahead Lance, you're dying to say it.

LM:  Actually I'm not all that thrilled that SD lost.  As much as I would've liked to see him 0 for forever for all eternity, I really can't stomach this Jayx character.

SM: Wow.  You must really hate him to want to se SD win a match.

LM:  Yeah.  How weird is that?

SM:  Not as weird as some of the things you've said tonight.  Despite what Gato Savalje said it still impressed Rehaustykus.

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  You're really not going to stop doing that are you?

LM:  It'd be impolite to not bless you after you sneeze.

SM: He had asked Gato to join him in watching each others back.  Gato was not swayed but he was willing to give him a chance to prove his worth to him.

LM:  Rehearse....exhaust...that guy is really into risk isn't her.  I think that guy would have his hands full watching Gato's back since he pissed off everyone in the promotion.

SM:  I agree.  It would seem like a one-sided affair.  We heard from Quentin Englebert and Cliff Roxtone who were not happy with how things transpired in the Auron era.  His Revolution was side tracked by the IWA upstarts and now he is looking to start fresh with Nathan.

LM: Hmmm.  Not sure what to make of these guys.  Honorable wrestling? what's that?  Sound like something the old Hieu would embrace and yet there's something about Quentin that I like.

SM:  Well he looks pretty smarmy to me Lance and my instinct is to distrust what he says.

LM:  How did you get so cynical Red?  It's terrible that a lovely lady such as yourself has such a dim view of the world and its people.

SM:  Working with you sometimes lowers my hope.

LM:  I'm hurt Red.

SM:  I'm sure you'll get over it. After Danny Draiman drew against the Punching Bag, he told the fans that he would be taking a leave of absence but wished everyone the best.

LM:  Thanks Danny.  Next.

SM:  Lance.

LM:  Why talk about a guy who isn't even going to be around.  Plenty of other stuff to talk about.

SM:  :: Sighs :: The Kobold came out to explain his actions.  Nathan Frost tried to interfere by trying to get him to leave the ring but Kobold was unmoved and explained that he wanted to get rid of the mask and Nathan provided a way to restore his facial features and becoming Steve Cobalt again.  Nathan also admitted that this whole thing was indeed orchestrated but to better MWP and not for his own ambition.  In the end Steven left the ring uncaring of whether or not the fans understood.

LM:  I understand.  Everyone has a price.  Kobold wanted his face back Nathan provided it.  Now Kobold complains now that he got what he wanted.  What a crybaby, just accept the fact that you caused Auron's demise and move on.

SM:  You can't be serious Lance.  Nathan admitted to this whole scheme.

LM:  And a brilliant one it was too.

SM:  Lance.

LM:  Listen Red, I was duped into thinking that Nathan had nothing to do with it but am I mad? No.  Why?  Because he is a genius.  I said he understood human nature and manipulated everything to one end.  The betterment of MWP.  Here's a guy with a short, medium, and long term strategy that is unprecedented in the history of this industry.  Hell, I thought Ed Dryden was a genius.  He's still in kiddie pants compared to Nathan.

SM:  I'll just move on because I clearly am not winning this battle.  We finally reached the main event which pitted StreXx against the newly crowned Brutal Masters Champion, Enigmatic Savior.  The match barely kicked into second gear when the lights went out and return to see both StreXx and Savior out cold at the hands of Englebert and Roxtone.  Nathan came out and suspended Englebert and Roxtone for the rest of the week while Nathan explained that both Savior and StreXx were gone because there was no winner, leaving the Brutal Masters Championship vacant.

LM:  Wow.  That was a heck of an ending and a fair one at that.  Both men did not win so he made the only decision he could.

SM: You win Lance.  I'm just to tired to argue with you anymore Lance.  Folks we hope you enjoyed the show for Lance Miles, I'm Scarlett McDermott.  We're down for the three count but we will get out heat back next week.  Enjoy the show folks.


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Join date : 2014-01-07

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