Masters of Wrestling Promotion
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The Revolution's Time Has Come

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The Revolution's Time Has Come Empty The Revolution's Time Has Come

Post  Auron Tue 3 Dec 2013 - 9:37

Radioactive by Imagine Dragon plays and Quentin Englebert and Cliff Roxtone walk out. They head towards the ring.

Andrew: Here we go, main event of the night!...and like usual, Quentin has something to say...

Michael: I'm not a fan of Quentin's speeches either but he does have an actual reason to be out here this time...this is to determine the number one contender for the Brutal Masters Championship.

John: Yup. In almost a mirror of last season, Cliff faces someone that is also gunning for the BMC...this time being Enigmatic Savior.

Quentin grabs a mic from ringside and enters the ring, followed by Cliff. They take center stage.

Quentin: we are again...Up next, Cliff here is going to squash that upstart Enigmatic Savior with the greatest of ease and then...we'll take our revenge on StreXx for taking our chance at the BMC...and we'll take the BMC while we're at it as well! The Revolution's time is here! We're going to win BMC and lead MWP to a new era of wrestling! ...Lead by me, of course.

Quentin exits the ring, leaving Cliff to wait for Savior in the ring. Quentin gives back the mic and stands at a spot near ringside.

Andrew: Sometimes, I wonder if Quentin really wants the whole real wrestling thing or if he just wants power...

Michael: Nevertheless, Cliff still have to get through Savior, whose been on a roll since getting here.

John: I get the feeling that this match is gonna get hectic.

The camera fades to black


Posts : 418
Join date : 2012-08-07
Age : 29
Location : United States, Texas

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