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The Wrestling Guys Analyze Late Seasons PPV

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The Wrestling Guys Analyze Late Seasons PPV Empty The Wrestling Guys Analyze Late Seasons PPV

Post  eldrocks Mon 3 Mar 2014 - 12:14

Scarlett McDermott:  Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new season of the Wrestling Guys.  I'm Scarlett McDermott with my usual partner in crime Lance Miles.

Lance nods.

SM:  Well Lance, we officially begin a new season with a new regime for MWP, but we'll get to that as we will  be analyzing last seasons PPV.

LM:  I guess I'll try to play stupid until we get to the vote.

SM:  Shouldn't be that difficult Lance but I appreciate the effort.

LM:  :: eyes widen :: Hey.

SM:  After we finished our shtick, the first order of business was an interview with Lianon who was not very keen on talking with Marissa especially as his match with Big Bubba for the last spot in the W-Card Ladder Match was up first.

LM:  Marissa really should time her interviews better.  She always seems to be in the way.  More than most interviewers.

SM:  The two men fought very hard to get that last spot but in the end, Big Bubba won out.

LM:  That'll teach Lianon to be so damn honorable, honor does nothing but cost you high profile matchups for big prizes.

SM:  It's disappointing to see such an act to be punished but I don't think Lianon will cry over it and there is a certain justice with B.B. getting the win.

LM:  Justice? How is that justice?  Bubba may have lost because Cobalt bailed on him but that's the breaks sometimes.  Bubba got lucky that Lianon was such a softie.

SM:  Lianon is a true sportsman.

LM:  He's an idiot and what does Bubba do to celebrate?  You guessed it.  Eat.  It'll be a wonder if he makes it to the ring on his own speed, let alone climb a ladder.

SM:  :: Shakes her head ::  Kyle Richards was back at it as he had some final words for Auron who he would meet later that night.  He spoke of Steel being better than Iron and that iron rusts and that Auron is like rust, or something to that extent.  Sometimes I tune out of his ramblings.

LM:  Damn Red that's rude.  This guy speaks in metaphor.  His poeticism is melodic and the deeper meaning always comes out.

SM:  And the deeper meaning is?

LM:  That Auron is rusty.  Legend or no.  Auron will be facing a guy who is at the peak efficiency and also with a huge chip on his shoulder.  Auron had a lot to be concerned about.

SM:  Richards is a blow hard and we don't know what Auron does in his free time.  He may train constantly for times like this where words and managerial decisions no longer are useful tools.

LM:  If you ask me.  Auron got caught up in his own legend and acted rashly once again.  Losing the GM position only made him more irrational.

SM:  The first of many title were on the line.  The first match pitted Primetime Champion Diryn against the Challenger Rehastykus.

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  After a bitter struggle Rehaustykus steals the title with a quick thumb to the eye.

LM:  Really?  I 've heard a lot of people talk about a thumb to the eye.  Sounds like a rehash of the Phantom Punch Muhammad Ali gave Sonny Liston.

SM:  It's nothing like the Phantom Punch Lance.  The Phantom Punch was a glancing blow that allegedly dropped one of the toughest boxers of that era.  It also was rumored that Liston took a fall because of Ali's affiliation with the Black Muslim's.  Rehaustykus....

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  ....clearly thumbed Diryn in the eye and stealing the match.

LM:  Well let me tell you Rad that I'm all flushed with your knowledge of sports but then I come back down after you claim that Re..haust...tykus would need to take such a short cut.  Diryn probably had something in his eye at the exact second Rehaust...ykus through a punch.

SM:  Yeah the must've been what happened.  ::  Rolls her eyes :: Marissa was with Dani who was about to tell her something very special when Hieu interrupted and sent Marissa packing.  He wasn't too happy with Dani but Dani assured him that she wouldn't have said anything but was really excited about it.

LM:  I hope it's not an engagement Red.  Weddings are soooo boring and there's really no place for it in the sqared circle.

SM:  What makes you think that it's an engagement.

LM:  Because Dani is a woman and women don't get that excited unless they're sinking their teeth into some poor unsuspecting guy.

SM:  Well you're safe in that department Lance.

LM:  You're damn right Red.

SM:  Gerry Cawley was with Diryn and asked what had happened out there.

LM:  The guys needs to stop taking trips to the John and quite frankly if he even got one vote it'll be a wasted one, but I want to get back to what Diryn said.  He siad he lost and that he doesn't feel it anymore.  That's what beat him.  Not some imagined thumb to the eye.

SM:  Well we'll see whether Gerry's plan to revitalize his protege will work.  Next we saw Dixon Flys Sr. demonstrating how the virtual jumpsuit for MWP Virtual Turmoil game works when Ed and Randy interrupted the shoot.  After a long winded speech on what it was gonna take to get a rise out of Dixon Jr.  Randy viciously attacked Sr., while Ed mocked marketed the video game.

LM:  I don't think Ed mocked anything Red.  In fact, I'm sure that they're gonna sell millions of copies knowing what the suit is capable of and as an added bonus Randy will be signing one out of every 100,000 units.  That's salemanship right there.

SM:  And I hear nothing about the despicable act of Randy beating up Dixon's father.

LM:  Red.  You know as well as I do that Ed and Randy didn['t necessarily beat down Dixon Sr. because they dislike him or Dixon Jr. for that matter.  What they wanted was a fight to test Randy's capabilities in the ring.

SM:  I will grant you that Ed and Randy do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals but i wish that they would not have been as deplorable as attacking an old man.

LM:  Unfortunately that's Dixon's fault not Randy's.

SM:  Moving on.  After Adam Lethal made short work of the Punching Bag, we saw Gato Salvaje talking about his match with Cliff Roxtone for the Brutal Masters Championship.

LM:  This dude doesn't say much but what he does say you better listen or you may wind up being his prey.

SM:  Who me?

LM:  General statement Red.  Who would want to hurt you?  You're a cool chick...most of the time.

SM:  I'm overwhelmed by sentiment Lance.  We see Dixon Sr. beating taken to the hospital and Dixon Jr. looking around for Ed and Randy.

LM:  It's about time.

SM:  Then we saw Ryan Conway talking to Jayx the Drake.  Ryan was a little concerned that he might have made a mistake not giving Jayx a better chance to win and to earn a vote.

LM:  That's the first time I feel that Ryan was indeed looking to pad his numbers for the GM vote.

SM:  He's done nothing that the others haven't done.

LM:  I'm not criticizing the man Red.  On the contrary, I like the fact that he was willing to play the game to get the GM spot.  Now Jayx might be the wrong horse to ride on but at least he understands what is needed to win the vote.  I have to admit that Jayx's assessment of his opponents was pretty spot on so maybe he isn't as useless as he seemed in the past.

SM:  High praise by Lance Jayx.  Enjoy it while it lasts.  Finally Auron and Kyle Richards met for the Rough and Tough championship.  Auron was quick on the draw getting a quick point but Richards battle back to take a commanding lead, but little by little Auron bounced back and finally took the deciding fall to become the new champion.

LM:  That's was a heck of a match and Auron really did prove that he is a legend in the ring.  He may be a terrible GM but he is a great wrestler.

SM:  No argument here Lance.

LM:  Scary thing was that Auron guaranteed himself at least one vote now that he is the R&T champ.

SM:  Makes sense to me.  I wonder how Richard's will react now that he lost to the rusty Ironman.

LM:  I'm sure he won't be happy and I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't over.

SM:  I agree.  Hyperelf showed us his very unique workout room and regiment.

LM:  This guy is a freak.  Everything about him is about donuts.

SM:  So what.  If that's what motivates him why not donuts.

LM:  The dude takes nothing seriously.  I'm sorry but he's a joke with a very bad punchline.

SM:  He's a sweetie.  He gave me a very nice thankyou card for the donuts I sent him at the PPV.

LM:  You're an enabler.

SM:  I'm considerate.  We saw Nic Nitro who was chatting up Rebecca Frost and talking about the Union Championship.

LM:  Rebecca is seriously a piece of...


LM:  What?  This chick is smokin, and she can take care of herself,  plus she knows what a loser is.

SM:  That makes two of us Lance.

LM:  Yeah you are pretty savy yourself Red.

SM:  Ed, Randy, and Dixon Jr. had their last minute comments and they finally settled it in the ring.

LM:  It was settled alright.  Randy proved yet again how superior he was.

SM:  I think that all of the personal isssues that Dixon had to deal with as well as the latest attack on Sr. were all liabilities for Dixon.

LM:  Then don't get in Randy's business if you can't back it up.

SM:  Lance,  Ed and Randy were the ones that started it.

LM:  Oh.  Well good job Ed and Randy for getting in Dixon's business and backing it up.

SM:  :: Says Geez under her breath :: SD Coleman and Cael Wheeler did their business talking about what a great opportunity the ladder match is and how he is going to win against such great competition.

LM:  I didn't realize how delusional SD is.  The fact that he believes that his win against Wrath was one for the ages is a loss of reality.  Of course everytime he talks about winning his matches should've been my cue to sign him into the nearest mental facility.

SM:  SD has always been confident in his abilities.

LM:  SD is getting senile...soon he'll be incontinent as well like that old fart Gerry Cawley.

SM:  After Andrew Becksford and John Dempsey finished arguing about Jeremy Danielson, Jeremey came out to show the fans what it will take for him to win the match.  He also made a challenge to John that if he loses he will give John a shot at the $200k and ask him a question.  If Jeremy wins the ladder match his W-card will be used to challenge John to a match.

LM:  Poor John.  John, listen mate, you and I see eye to eye on quite a few things so take my word for it.  Jeremy Danielson is the real deal.  I asked him whther buying tinto this companys stock was a good idea and he said to "Yes. buy it."  I did and it went from $1.00 a share to a $1.25 a share in a matter of days.  I made lite $100 dollars on that answer.  Plus I know how to pronounce Rehaust...tykus now.  That's Jeremy's doing to.

SM:  I'm sure John will take your words to heart Lance and congrats on the wind fall.  :: Smirks ::  After some quick words and a brief history of how Tidus and Rikku got their title shots.  Their first title defense finally took place against Steven Cobalt and Nic Nitro.

LM:  Interesting story.  Here's an interesting story Tidus.  There's these two misfits who found themselves out of work because of some disaster involving Cairo and a big Pyramid.  They decide to cry to daddy because they failed going it on their own and because they were so pathetic and that daddy is always looking for an ego boost and a couple of patsies for some vote coming up that he decides to throw them a bone and give them a title shot without earning one.  You want to tell the world Scarlett what happened to these to ididot when they went face to face with some real competition?

SM:  Unfortunately I have no choice Lance.  Cobalt and Nitro proved to be too much for the Union Champs and thus Tidus and Rikku were overthrown.

LM:  Yeah!  Exactly.  They didn't deserve it in the first place and finally the belts are around at least one deserving person.

SM:  That match was a great back and forth struggle.

LM:  That Tidus and Rikku couldn't hang with.  Rikku is nothing without her knucks.  What I like is that Auron loses a vote here and Nathan might be the deneficiary of that vote.

SM:  We'll talk about that later Lance.  Jeremy was interviewed by Marissa again where Jeremy offered her a chance for the $200k.

LM:  You learn something new every day with this guy. He's like the Superman of Knowledge.

SM:  It was impressive but I will be even more impressed if he were to win the ladder match.  Meanwhile Cobalt and Nitro were in Nathan Frost's office. Cobalt wanted out of his contract now.  Frost said that it would only happen after the vote and that he won.  Cobalt then told Frost of his deal with Nitro allowing him to get out of the contract but Nitro did one better for himself by using his W-Card to take Cobalt's contract for himself.  Frost and Cobalt were not happy about this in the least.

LM:  Nict Nitro is as close to God as you can get.  This guy is indeed charmed.  He not only wins the Union titles but he owns Cobalt, outsmarted Nathan, has a date with quite possibly the hottest chick on the planet and still has a ladder match to win where he gets an opportunity to affect the outcome of the GM position.  When I grow up I want to be Nic Nitro.

SM:  Nic is indeed a fortunate man but he may have to face Frost's wrath and an unwilling pawn in Steven Cobalt.

LM:  Maybe you're right, but the only real downside is that Nic will have to hear the constant crying from Cobalt.

SM:  Qentin Englebert was getting himself excited as he believed that out of all of the candidates for GM he was most likely as he stated his biggest strengths including his man Cliff Roxtone who was facing Gato Salvaje for the Brutal Master's Championship.

LM:  Quentin makes some really good points about his chances.  He also has a support system like the other to negate the others support systems and he does have a mind for the business.

SM:  Quentin's dream became more of a reality as Cliff was able to out last Gato to become the Brutal Master's Champion.

LM:  Something happened in that match that I can't quite put my finger on.  Gato had been talking about others being his prey while the whole time Cliff was the true stalker, biding his time for the right moment to pounce.  Hell of a time to pull the trigger.  Congrats to him.

SM:  We came to the final match of the night.  The seven man ladder match for the W-Card.  The action was fast and furious and a lot to take in but at the end of the night, it was Big Bubba who gets the W-Card.

LM:  Man what a waste of a good W-Card.  I bet he uses it to force management to buy him his very own Red Robin...yuuummm.

SM:  I doubt he going to do that Lance.

LM:  Whether he does or not is immaterial.  That is the second match that he backed into a win.  What the Hell is up with Hieu since we're talking about it.  Has this guy lost a screw.  He was the true winner of this thing and yet he walks away.  If he didn't want the wish then why participate?

SM:  I'm not sure Lance.  Something has not been quite right with Hieu since coming to MWP and he seems to have a different force driving him right now.  Finally we came to the moment everyone was waiting for.  The vote for who the GM of MWP was going to be.  James Cobalt introduced everyone and began the voting process which would include the Champions, the fan, and the board would have their say.  James started by acknowleging the Extreme Anhiliation Champion Randy Swofford though technically not an MWP recognized title.  He was successful in his defense of it and therefore was granted a say in the proceedings.

LM:  That was a pleasant surprise for me.  I didn't think they would've been given a vote but Randy's presence is hard to ignore.

SM:  So, apparently, was Ed Dryden who explained his reasoning for Randy's vote which turned out to be Nathan.

LM:  An interesting choice.

SM:  Next vote came from Nic Nitro who chose....Auron.

LM:  That was a complete shock.  Auron got the Union vote and yet another slap in the face of Nathan.  Nic better be careful.

SM:  Rehaustykus...

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  ...was next to vote and gave it to Quentin.

LM:  Just as Quentin predicted.

SM:  Auron was next to give his vote as he was the new R&T Champion.

LM:  I love how he believes that what he's doing is best for MWP.  If he really were doing what's best for MWP he would abstain to make the vote fair.

SM:  You can't fault him for thinking he's stil the best man for the job.

LM:  Maybe not but if this were Nathan Frost doing the very same thing everyone and their mother would be crying foul.  It's not the actual vote I despise, it's the hypocrisy.

SM:  It was Mattamillon Allen's turn next who was adamant that he would not vote for Nathan and therefore chose Ryan Conway.

LM:  I have a million problems with this.  First the fact that he was even given a vote despite being the only champion not to defend his title was bad enough but to simply base his vote on giving it to someone who doesn't have any votes is lame and not very forward thinking.

SM:  He didn't want to give his vote to Nathan.

LM:  That's fine Red but why not give it to Auron or Quentin to make it that much harder for Nathan to win.  That's the trouble with guys like him.  No brains.

SM:  Ciff Roxtone was very verbose when he voted for Quentin.

LM:  Don't say that Red.  People may think that Cliff actually did talk alot.

SM:  The score after the Champions voted was Quentin 2, Auron 2, Nathan 1, and Ryan 1.  Now it was the fans turn to vote where their three votes were given to Gerry Cawley, Auron, and Ryan.

LM:  Heh...shows you how much the fans know.  Voting for Gerry Cawley....ridiculous.

SM:  The leader board now showed Auron in the lead with 3 votes while Quentin and Ryan were on his heels with 2 votes with four availble votes left.  The Board of Directors decided that they would give their vote to Nathan Frost.

LM:  HA!  This made me laugh.  Another well thought out vote.  You were the same people who took the position away from him and now all of a sudden Nathan actually should be the man.  Great job board.

SM:  Catherine Rogers was next to vote and her vote was also for Nathan, tying him with Auron for the lead with three.

LM:  Well she sees the value of Nathan's skill in bringing in beaucoux dollars.  Too bad she didn't mention this at the Board of Directors meeting before he got ousted by them.

SM:  Well the board, up to this point had succeeded in correcting that error allowing Nathan to tie Auron for the lead with 3 votes each.  Diego Cardozo was next to vote and  gave his support to Quentin.

LM:  I don't want to knock Quentin but this is pretty much a lame excuse for giving the vote to Quentin.  Hell why not give the vote to Ed Dryden as he's done a tremendous job handling Randy's career.

SM:  Becasue Ed is not running for GM.

LM:  All I'm saying is that just because Quentin is a good manager of one individual does not necessarily mean that he will be a good manager of the promotion.

SM:  However you think of the vote it was now a three way tie between Auron, Nathan, and Quentin.  Leaving the ultimate decision to James.  James explained that he had told Auron and Nathan weeks before that there may be someone more suited to the post than they and he was going to give that post to....Quentin.

LM:  Well I can't complain really about the outcome.  Auron and Gerry would've been an embarassment if they had won.  Quentin may not be Nathan but I'm definitely willing to see if he pans out.

SM:  Congratulations Quentin on your new position.  That's it for us here at the Wrestling Guys.  For Lance Miles, I'm Scarlett McDermott.  We're down for the three count but we'll get our heat back next week when we analyze tonight show.  Enjoy everyone.


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Join date : 2014-01-07

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