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The Wrestling Guys Analyse Season Eight Week 4 (LIVE at the PPV)

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The Wrestling Guys Analyse Season Eight Week 4 (LIVE at the PPV) Empty The Wrestling Guys Analyse Season Eight Week 4 (LIVE at the PPV)

Post  eldrocks Sat 12 Apr 2014 - 20:16

SM:  Hello everyone to another edition of the Wrestling Guys.  Live and in living color at MWP's latest PPV offering Resurrection.  I'm Scarlett McDermott with my usual partner in crime Lance Miles.

Lance stands up to a chorus of boos.  One woman has a sign that says Lance fears Scarlett.

SM:  Tonight we analyze last weeks show which led to the huge main event for the Rough and Tough Championship.  An Elimination Chamber match involving six of the best and brightest including Chip Morris, SD Coleman, Hyperelf, Dixon Flys Jr., the unsanctioned Extreme Annihilation Champion, Randy Swofford, and the current Rough and Tough Champion, the legend, Auron.

LM:  The EC match is sure to be a classic, but when you talk about the best and brightest, I have to admit Red, you have pulled off the Jessica Rabbit look down to perfection.

SM:  Thank you Lance.  I was definitely going for the 1980's bodacious female cartoonish look.

LM:  Truly awesome.

SM:  ::  Rolls her eyes :: Well let's get this show rolling before I start getting courted by timid woodland creatures.  Last weeks show started off with Steve Cobalt and Nic Nitro.  Nic berated Steven about not only losing once but losing twice in the same night.  Nic felt that Steven is holding back but also believed that he is still the far superior talent of the two.  Steven called him out warning not to push his buttons to much or he'll show him who the better man is.

LM:  :: Laughs :: Who the better man is.  We all know who the better man is.  Nic Nitro.  :: Boos are heard from the crowd behind him :: Nic did the guy a favor by buying his contract, was willing to treat him as an equal in the ring, and what does he get in return?  Nothing but grief from Cobalt.  No wonder he needed to show Cobalt who's boss.

SM:  You can't tell me that Nic has enjoyed controlling Steven's actions over the last few weeks.  Now he has the excuse he's been waiting for to rub it in on Steven.

LM:  Oh so Nic is glad that he lost the Union Tag Titles so that he could have Cobalt to his bidding?

SM:  I'm not saying that but since it has happened, he can make himself feel better by ordering Steven around.

LM:  I'll admit it's a punishment Red, but I don't think Nic is enjoying it and I know for a fact that he would rather be the Union Tag Champs still.

SM:  Maybe Lance.Next we saw the first of the NWP wrestlers in action.  Eddy Rosario took on Castlevania and won in solid fashion.

LM:  A promising start for the MWP newcomer.

SM:  Next we saw Bubba and Daryl backstage.  Daryl was perplexed at Bubba's attitude now that he was one half of the tag champions.  Bubba explained that he didn't like the way he won the match last week and said that this would be with him for a while.

LM:  Guilt has a way of doing that Red.  :: The crowd behind him boos ::

SM:  Lance.

LM:  I'll give him credit that he understood what happened last week but it didn't stop him nor Lianon from taking full advantage of that opportunity.

SM:  So you're saying that they should've turned down that opportunity?

LM:  Damn right Red.  In my opinion, Bubba is just like those guys the he said he didn't want to be.

SM:  You do realize that if they turned it down, Quentin could've just given the opportunity to someone else.

LM:  Yeah and because the new champs, in the back of their minds, knew that was a possibility, they chose to accept.  Not only does that make them seedy but greedy as well.

SM:  We were introduced to another NWP wrestler by the name Gregory Allen or Golden Tiger.  After being a little confused about where he was or what he had done in the last couple days, he suddenly became alert to the fact that he would be taking on Ajaxx in his first match.

LM:  This guy is a wrestler?  I thought he was transient out of Great Adventures Wild Safari.  You put a raggedy old coat around him and he'd fit right in Boston's back alleys.

SM:  Lance, the man is a wrestler, and who's to say that he may have partied a little too much the night before celebrating his new job.

LM:  Sounds like you speak from experience Red.  Were you a huge party animal in your younger days?

SM: Wouldn't you like to know?

LM:  I think the whole world would like to know.

SM:  Well maybe when I write my memoirs I'll share a story or two.  Until then it's all about the business and Golden Tiger was indeed all business in the ring making extremely short work of Ajaxx.

LM:  That was a shocking result.  I really thought that Ajaxx would've put up a better fight, but then he is Ajaxx and not someone like Nic Nitro or Rehaustykus.

SM:  I would assume that as he's climbs up the ladder he will have a tougher time with the more experienced talent in MWP but for now he should enjoy the ease of his victory.  Next a mysterious video played as a voice talked about pain and a clock continued to tick.

LM:  Oh God, not another emotional cripple.  Don't we have enough of them in this promotion?

SM:  Well I guess we'll see as time rolls on.

The woman who held the Lance Fears Scarlett sign now brought up a sign that said 'Lance is a Loser', while a man standing next to her is yelling.  "You're the man Lance!" at the top of his lungs causing the woman to give the fan a menacing look.

SM:  Kyle Richards was out next and as usual he continued to talk about what humanity should be but he used Rehaustykus.

LM:  Bless you.

SM:  As an example of what happens to people who claim to be something they're not.

LM:  I guess I can't blame Kyle for being pissed off at Rehaust for what he did to him.  Maybe Rehaust is taking this God thing a little too far.

SM:  It might be possible as I actually have to back Kyle on this as well.  Kyle is a jerk and his emotions clearly get the better of him at times but in this case Rehaust may need to be dropped a peg or two and Kyle is quite capable of achieving that.

LM:  Of course this could be Rehaust's plan from the beginning.

SM:  How so?

LM:  Well Rehaust his raised the ire of not only Kyle but he still has to deal with Ric Raven as well.  Perhaps Rehaust is looking to prove how godlike he truly is by beating both men at the same time.

SM:  That only proves that he is the better wrestler, assuming that the knucks don't come in to play, not that he;s a god.

LM:  God works in mysterious ways and maybe now he's speaking through the squared circle.

SM:  Ridiculous.  Marissa was with Cael Wheeler and SD Coleman where the two men were more than satisfied with their win against Randy Swofford.  SD was also looking forward to his tuneup match with Kyle Richards and then the EC match where he hoped everyone would rend each other to shred to make his job easier at the PPV.  Cael also had words about Ed Dryden and said that there would be problems if he got in his face like he did the week before.

LM:  Talk about delusional.  These two actually think they have a chance to win.  Of course they don't plan on winning the conventional way.  You earning the three count.  No they're hoping that the war of attrition will be on their side so they can pick up the table scraps like buzzards do.

SM:  Though Marissa asked about SD's confidence issues, it seems that he picked up a whole lot of it in his match against Randy.

LM:  Don't confuse confidence with luck Red.  They're pinning their hopes that luck will be in their favor but they're learn that a one in six chance are not good odds for that happening without  a little skill to back it up.

SM:  Skill and experience will play a huge part in this for sure.  Rod Paradise took on the god himself Rehaustykus.

LM:  Bless you.

SM: Paradise took the god to his limits and...

LM:  ...and I think John Milton said it best...Paradise Lost.

SM:  How long were you waiting to use that little gem?

LM:  Brilliance never rests Red.  I just pulled it from the sky.  I'm almost godlike too.

The woman with the Lance signs shouts "Shut up Miles!  Go home!" as the man next to her gives her a menacing look

SM:  Better be careful Lance you could be smote for breaking the First Commandment.

LM:  I did say almost Red.  Stop instigating.

SM:  Gladly.  Ric Raven interrupted Rehaust's victory celebration with comments about how he is not a God and that other choice words.  Then to drive the point home.  Ric destroyed Rehaust's car.

LM:  This guy is a criminal.  He talks about what he's going to do to Rehaust and then publicly displays the demise of one Rehaust's prized possessions.  This guy should be behind bars for vandalism of the worst kind.  And the idiot fans cheer for that.

SM:  Ric has taken this feud to some extreme levels and if these two do get in the ring it's going to be a very ugly affair.

LM:  Maybe Rehaust can see past the fifth commandment just this once and put Ric out of his misery.

SM:  I don't think we need to go that far Lance.

LM:  We may have no choice in the matter Red.

SM:  Possibly.  Quentin and Ryan Conway discussed the future of Jayx the Drake.  Ryan explained the history of Jayx and explained that not only is he not cleared for the title match against MA and Jeremy, he also implied that Jayx could be tabled permanently.  Quentin could do nothing more than take Jayx out of the title match.

LM:  Did you get the feeling that Ryan was looking for something more out of Quentin?

SM:  I got that impression but I don't know what else Ryan wanted.  Quentin promised that Jayx would be looked after and that he would be welcomed back if the injury was not as serious as Ryan claimed.

LM:  MA's life got a little easier didn't it?

SM:  You think so?

LM:  Yeah.  With Jayx out of the picture there's only Jeremy to contend with.

SM:  True but on the flip side, with Jayx out of the picture there's no one else to help whittle away at Jeremy an will have to it all by himself.

LM:  Good point.  You sensing title change?

SM:  I'm hoping that MA comes to his senses but after his brief exchange with Nathan, it is starting to look as if MA is not what the Legacy Division is supposed to project.  Chip Morris gave the MWP film crew a tour of his training facility built right next to his mansion.  Chip said that all of the planning and strategies have been laid out and he is looking forward to representing the R&T championship with honor and dignity.

LM:  I wanna like Chip.  He is rich after all and rich people are generally better people than poor people but I just can't seem to allow myself to do it.

SM:  Why because he earned his fortune and wants to share his secrets of success in the ring?

LM:  Yeah...pretty much.  A major key to success is to not share your keys to success.  Why should people benefit from this guys success.  Loser are always looking for handouts.

SM:  Thinking back on it a bit. He never really adequately explained why he forced the ref to stop the match.  I'm going to have to agree that there is something off about the guy.  Maybe we'll need a few more weeks to learn more about him.  Nic Nitro and Lianon locked horns in the rng.  Unfortunately for Lianon, Nic was on all thrusters tonight and easily took him down.

LM:  You see?  Further proof about how awesome Nic is.  Lianon had no chance against this guy and if Bubba were to face him the result would only be the same.  Cobalt is the weak link and C- might be a little too kind considering what Nic just did.

SM: I'm pretty sure Steven is better than a C-.  he was the reason they lasted as long as they did saving Nic on more than one occasion.

LM:  You know where I stand on this Red so why don't we move on.

SM:  Fair enough.

In the background the crowds starts murmuring as the woman and man start to yell at one another.

SM:  Nathan and Rebecca Frost...

LM:  You mean.  THE...hottest chick on the planet, Rebecca Frost.

SM:  Whatever...came out to address the audience.  Nathan set up a match between Danny Draiman and Wrath and that if either or refuse the challenge they will be dismissed from the company.  Danny came out and argued that Nathan's obsession with him is getting tired and wanted an end to it.  When Nathan refused to comply, Quentin came out to lay down the law, telling Nathan the he would not be so lenient if Nathan were to get out of line like he did during Auron's reign.

LM:  Quentin needs to stay out of other people's business.  Nathan has every right to call out his would be assailant and if he believes it's Draiman or Wrath then so be it.  Quentin's interference may have ruined some of the credibility to Nathan's good name.

SM:  Nathan's witch hunt has proven to be fruitless and it is Quentin's show not Nathan's.  Nathan needs to move on because quite frankly any wrestler who dealt with him in the past could be a suspect.

LM:  Then Quentin should be aiding Nathan, not hindering his investigation.  I can guarantee that if Quentin were assaulted like Nathan was, Quentin would leave no stone unturned to find the man or woman responsible.  He need to give Nathan the same tools.

SM:  Well we'll see how both stories develop in the week to come.  In the meantime, Marissa was with Hyperelf.

LM:  You mean Brad Locke.

SM:  No I mean Hyperelf.  Hyper's solution to the fans chants of Hyper involved cotton balls in his ears.  Unfortunately Marissa took the cotton away so she could do her job, but was thwarted by Hyper having an entire bag of them.  He mentioned that though he never met any of his opponents in the EC match, he believed that he had all of their weaknesses memorized and that he was ready for them.

LM:  Who does Marissa think she is depriving Brad of taking his cotton balls.  Hell with the ruckus going on behind me a couple cotton balls wouldn't be refused.  :: Turns to the crowd behind him ::  Hey keep it down over there!  I'm working here!

The woman in the crowd shouts "Shut your cake hole Miles!"  The man next to her grabs her arm to remonstrate with her and she proceeds to hit the man in the head with her sign.  The crowd cheers wildly.

LM:  Excuse me Red.

SM:  Lance don't.

Lance gets up from his seat and walks to the two people waving security to come this way.  Lance tries to separate the two when the woman proceeds to hit him with signs much to the amusement of the crowd.  The security men walk up and after and exchange between Lance and the security guards.  They ask the woman to come with them.  The woman is irate and refuses to leave while Lance can be heard saying.  "She's been causing a disruption to the show and attacked this poor guy because his views are different than hers.

The woman shouts expletives Lance's way as the security team restrain her from hitting Lance again.  Boos are heard as the woman is escorted out of the arena.  Lance walks to the man who put his hand on Lance's shoulder.  After a brief exchange, Lance shakes the man's hand and heads back to his seat.  Scarlett watches Lance in amazement.

SM:  You are a piece of work Lance.

LM:  You saw what happened Red.  That guy was getting pummeled by a placard.  The guy was defenseless.  Then she attacked me which was totally uncalled for as I was trying to separate the two.

SM:  Lance you made the situation worse by getting involved.

LM:  Trust me Red, that woman was an idiot and it was only a matter of time before she was a distraction during the PPV.

SM:  You aren't fooling anybody Lance.  We can hear the fans clear enough to know what they're saying and you didn't like what she had to say about you and helped the guy who was kissing up.

LM:  Come on Red.  It's over now.  I saved the show so we can move on.

SM: :: Looks at the camera :: Okay?  Then do you remember what you were going to say before you almost incited a riot?

LM:  If I remember right,  I was going to say that Marissa had no right taking Brad's cotton balls from him.  It's his only refuge from the fans insistence on calling him Hyperelf.

SM:  He is Hyperelf.  Even if he calls himself Brad Locke, he still does things that make him who he is...Hyperelf.

LM:  Thanks to Marissa continually antagonizing him.

SM:  Hyper by any other name is just as a jelly donut.  ::  Bringing out another jelly donut to the table.

LM: Red you worry me sometimes.

SM:  Not as much as you worry me.  Quentin called Jeremy Danielson in and blamed him for the injury to Jayx.  Jeremy did not agree stating that Quentin did not have to make the match last week.  Quentin was unmoved and told him that the match for the Legacy Title was now a one vs one match.

LM:  Jeremy is right.  Sure Jeremy made the suggestion, but Quentin felt it to be the right decision at the time.  Now that the match potentially cost him his career, Quentin shows his true colors pinning the blame on the guy who suggested the match.  Ridiculous.

SM:  I can see your point Lance but Jeremy seems to be a master psychologist.  I believe he knew what Quentin's reaction was going to be and then played the odds that Jayx's injury prone history would haunt him so that this match could be a one on one affair like he hoped.

LM:  You are clearly giving Jeremy too much credit.  Now if this were Ed Dryden and Randy Swofford, then I would agree with this scenario.  They have a long history of setting the table to achieve a desired goal, but Jeremy?  Jeremy is as straight-forward as they come and though he probably isn't unhappy about the situation, he certainly couldn't have orchestrated it.

SM:  Don't forget the fans were manipulated by this too.

LM:  It's a high profile match Red.  How were they manipulated?

SM:  Because it was their desire, spurred on by Jeremy to bully Quentin into making the match.

LM:  So your saying that Quentin is a slave to the fans.

SM:  I'm saying that Quentin saw no other alternative but to set the match up.

LM:  Exactly Red.

SM:  :: Frowns :: Steven Cobalt took on Big Bubba and after a hard fought match Bubba pulled out the victory.

LM:  C..Minus...player.  At best.

SM:  Marissa interviewed Dixon Flys Jr.  Dixon said he was looking forward to accomplishing two goals.  Winning the match to qualify for the EC match and hearing Randy utter the word Uncle.

LM:  Hah!  That'll be the day.  Randy will finish this guy off and deny him the opportunity to be a part of the R&T title picture.

SM:  Only time will tell.  Mattamillion Allen addressed the fans about how he was now looking forward to the one on one encounter with Jeremy Danielson.  He also was curious as to why Jeremy was so put off by the change of events.  He told the fans that this was about two men looking to prove to themselves that they are who they say they are.  MA was certain he would remain champ.

LM:  I have to agree. Jeremy has little championship experience.  Matty does.  Matty knows what it takes to win and retain the title.  Jeremy doesn't.  Now I know Red,  Jeremy has been planning this for a long time and now his scheme comes to fruition tonight.

SM:  I won't get back into it with you Lance but I will say this.  If MA takes Jeremy as lightly as you do then MA will be handing that title over to Jeremy.

LM:  Hey don't put words in my mouth Red.  I'm not taking Jeremy lightly.  I think he has the tools to win.  I just don't believe that he is as smart as you make him out to be though he is tremendously book smart.

SM:  Marissa was with Ed Dryden who explained that the UNCLE match between Dixon and Randy was inevitable because Dixon won't let the matter rest until he is satisfied that he got even with Randy for the attack on Dixon Sr.

LM:  Yeah.  Unfortunately some plans do go awry, even Ed and Randy's plans.  All they wanted to establish a foundation of dominance in MWP at Dixon's expense but the guy was so thick and unpredictable that it turned downright mean and bloody.  My fear is that after Randy beats Dixon again it will only keep the obsession going.

SM:  Ed and Randy misjudged Dixon thinking he'd be a pushover because he is loved so much by the fans.  Dixon has a dark side and they unexpectedly tapped into that and now they're paying for it.  The match was a violent one and despite Randy's control for most of the match, Dixon's resilience and determination turned the tide and found a way to make Randy say UNCLE.

LM:  Is that really how you saw it Red?

SM:  You didn't see it that way?

LM:  I saw the total dominance by Randy and then I saw a pause, a look, and then the Dixon turnaround.

SM:  Are you saying Randy threw the match?

LM:  Why not?  I told you that my worry was that if Randy won it would only fuel Dixon's obession further.  I think Randy realized this and took the fall.

SM:  By swallowing his pride and saying UNCLE?

LM:  Why not?  Randy and Ed are unaffected by what the fans may or may not say.  Randy didn't lose his spot in the EC match nor did he lose the EA title and with the happy ending for Dixon, they can move on to prepare for the EC match without any Dixon interference now that he is a part of the match.

SM:  Marissa caught up with Auron who had been pretty quiet during the season.  Auron was asked about the opponents in the EC match.  Auron gave credit to all of the opponents but seemed to be particularly concerned with Randy Swofford's  presence in the Chamber.

LM:  And rightly so.  Auron may not have been the best GM but he does know talent when he sees it.  I agreed with everything he said about all of his competition and the fact that he knows his opponents makes him a very big  threat.

SM:  Auron did have the advantage of not having to wrestle this season and he has had plenty of matches to scout.  That's champions do.  That's what legends do.

LM:  But his walking away from the interview is very telling.  I don't think he believes he can win.  Unless we go to your conspiracy theory and Auron is playing possum to lull the young bucks into a false sense of security.

SM:  I don't have conspiracy theories Lance, but even if this were a ploy; I doubt that Ed Dryden and Cael Wheeler would be lulled by the visual.  Ed and Randy confirmed pretty much what you said earlier about lettiing Dixon have his moment.

LM:  Not surprising.

SM:  Marissa was with Wrath who had admitted to being the one who attacked Nathan Frost.  Wrath was upset that he lost his chance at the Legacy title.  He also said that he wasn't finished yet and that Danny Draiman was target number two.

LM:  Wrath living up to his name finally.

SM:  The match took place and Wrath was denied his vengeance as Danny was victorious.  That conclude our analysis of week 4 but as usual we're going to end our final show of the season with our quick picks.  Lance who are your horses for tonight.

LM:  Lethal shows Rosario how perfect he really is.  Rehaust retains.  A healthy Nic Nitro will single-handedly regain the Union Tag title,  As smart as Jeremy is I don't think he's experienced enough to beat MA.  Roxtone beats Draiman easily and Swofford outlasts them all to unify the belts.

SM:  I have Rosario in a minor upset, Rehaust retains. Bubba and Lianon retain. Jeremy outsmarts MA, Roxtone retains and its all about experience and Auron will fend the young lions off.  Well that's our show.  We're down for the three count but we'll get our...

Suddenly the woman manages to come back and makes it to Lance's seat and starts hitting him in the head with her placards.  The fans erupt wildly as Lance covers up.



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The Wrestling Guys Analyse Season Eight Week 4 (LIVE at the PPV) Empty Re: The Wrestling Guys Analyse Season Eight Week 4 (LIVE at the PPV)

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